Jamie Archer
The data we store about you is the information you provide either us or a connected third party. This is usually only through you subscribing to the newsletter on the jamieafro.com website. It can also be by contacting us using the contact form on the website, making a purchase through the website or telephoning us on a number provided.
The data we collect about you may also come from you visiting and submitting information to a official Jamie 'Afro' Archer related website or social media page / platform (We advise you to read the privacy policy of any externally related website or social media website / platform you visit relating to Jamie 'Afro' Archer)
Other data that could be available to us, may come through a third party such as wix (See third parties). This would be information like, your IP address and what website pages you clicked on while on jamieafro.com.
If you telephone us - Information such as your telephone number may be provided to us by the telephone service provider. We do not request, actively store, sell, give away or use this information in any way.
The data you provide to us is only used to inform you of relevant information to do with the musician Jamie Archer (Jamie Afro) and may also help us statistically, so we can improve the website and provide you with greater relevancy of the information we send you. E.g. You provided your town or country you live in when subscribing to jamieafro.com - We then can inform you of gigs/appearances by Jamie’s that are in or near your location only.
We want to make clear that we do not sell, pass on, forward to any business or person(s) any data you have provided to us. We would only disclose your data if we were legally required to by law. I.e. To the Police, Courts etc. But we do want to be aware that third parties connected with this website may hold some or all your data (Please see the 'Third parties' section below).
We intend to contact you mainly for marketing campaigns, promotions, updates, etc.
We may contact you to notify you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about our company, or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce our User Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes we may contact you via email, telephone, text messages, and postal mail.
To provide the services that we do, we need to use certain third parties websites/businesses who do collect personal data. We advise you to read their terms and conditions and privacy statements in regards to any data of yours they may hold and our relationship with them.
Wix - In order for us to provide the services from our website, such as newsletters, sell products etc, The data you have provided us maybe held by a third party, wix.com and the general Wix.com applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. Wix hosts the jamieafro.com website and may store your data that has been collected via the site, for us to access. To know more we advise you read the Wix terms and conditions. Click here .
Paypal - In the case of purchasing products from our website, we use Paypal to complete the transaction(s). Paypal have their own Privacy terms, and full terms and conditions. To read their full terms and conditions please click here Privacy terms click here
We advise you to read the Privacy policy of any externally related website or social media platform that you visit relating to Jamie 'Afro' Archer.
We are not aware of any other third party than the above mentioned that has access to any data provided to us by you. If this was to change at any point or we were to discover there was a third party we had been unaware of, we would update our privacy policy immediately and if appropriate do our best to inform you as soon as possible.
Our website (jamieafro.com) does use cookies for the purpose of enhancing your experience while using the website. You can control if to allow or not to allow cookies on your device by going to internet privacy settings on your internet device. You should also have the option to delete most, if not all of them from your device at any time. You can learn more about what cookies are, by clicking here.
Below is a chart of the possible cookies jamieafro.com may use.
We have done our best to be be honest, transparent and be as detailed as possible with how we operate with regards to handling your data.
Whenever we do a mail out via e-mail. We provide a ‘Unsubscribe’ button, usually at the bottom of the email content. Just click that to unsubscribe.
To Opt out of SMS messaging - If you ever receive a SMS message from us and you want to unsubscribe simply follow instruction on the SMS or just reply to the SMS with ‘Unsubscribe’ or ‘Opt out’.
You can also unsubscribe or update your information at any time by contacting us via the website ‘Contact form’. However you choose to unsubscribe we will delete all known data on you from our data storage. Please be aware that after unsubscribing from us, that third parties may still hold some or all data you provided under their own terms and conditions.
If you have any questions please contact us via jamieafro.com using the ‘Contact form’ and we will do our best to assist.